Illnesses and Absences
We depend on families to play an active role in assisting ACES to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all learners and educators. We reserve the right to send home any child that exhibits signs of illness as listed below. Any child that becomes ill will be isolated and made comfortable until his/her guardian can be notified and the child is picked up. In addition, a child must be free of all these specific symptoms for at least 24 hours before returning to ACES.
The symptoms are as follows:
• A fever of 100 degrees or more with no medication
• Vomiting within the previous 24-hour period
• Diarrhea within the previous 24-hour period
• A heavy nasal discharge indicative of infection
• Extreme Fatigue
A persistent cough or sore throat, not allergy related
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• A skin rash
• Head lice
• Symptoms of communicable disease
Weather Related Closings
The cancellation of ACES programs or closure of facilities will be dependent upon weather conditions and facility accessibility. ACES will monitor weather conditions and facility accessibility to determine if programs will meet or facilities will remain open. Program cancellations and facility closures due to winter weather will be posted in Klassly and Jumbula and on all ACES social media (Facebook, Instagram) by 7am. All PreK-8 Academy and A La Carte classes will be offered online if in-person classes are closed due to inclement weather.
Accidents and Injuries
ACES staff is trained to treat minor cuts, bruises, and other simple childhood injuries. In the event of a serious injury, teachers will call 911 to request emergency medical assistance. While a teacher attends to your child, another ACES staff member will contact you (or your emergency contact person if you are unavailable). ACES Education does not carry medical insurance for program participants, therefore you will be responsible for any costs incurred in medical treatment for your child.
Children with life threatening allergies, such as allergies to bee stings, peanut products, dairy, etc., may be at risk of a serious allergic reaction while participating in an ACES Education program due to contact with, or ingestion of the allergen. ACES Education cannot guarantee an allergen free environment, but with your cooperation we can create a safer environment and be better prepared to handle emergencies. ACES Education will make reasonable, feasible, and practical accommodations to allow children with life-threatening allergies to participate in our programs. We recommend that the parent or guardian download the Allergy Packet and return it to ACES Education before registering their child for a program.
ACES Education is a peanut free program in order to support students with severe allergies. Please do not send in any foods containing peanuts with your child.